The Malaysian Institute of Planners chartered object is “ to promote the science and art of town planning for the benefit of the public.” It does this primarily by ensuring the existence of a body of professional planners with the appropriate knowledge, training and skills to promote the advancement of town planning in
MIP is a professional institute that is a membership-registered organization. Most of its members are fully qualified professional town planners, working as planning officers with various federal, state and local authorities, as town planning consultants, lecturers in universities or as planners for developers and various organisations with significant land banks.
I feel delighted when contacted by the person-in-charge Cik Siti, asking me to cater this forum for 3 meals; breakfast, lunch and tea-break. Thanks a bunch Cik Siti. Do call me/us again. (Salah satu hidangan ialah buah manggis, rambutan dan durian!)

(Pictures taken during lunch break)
YA ALLAH, berikanlah kejayaan kepada saudaraku ini. Hanya kepada ENGKAU aku mengharapkan pertolongan. AMIN.
Abang Long,
Terima kasih atas doa.
"Ya Allah ya Tuhanku, kalau bukan Engkau pembuka jalan, tiada sebarang makhluk yg akan berbuat demikian. Justeru dgn namaMu yang Agung, aku hamba hina ini merayu, berilah rahmatMu kpd hambaMu Abang Long & keluarganya. Bukalah jalan untuk sdr ini. Amin."
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